Don McLain Memorial
License Manual Lending Library

From Don McLain KB8RAD, 2/14/1953 – 10/21/2021
A couple of years ago, it was brought to my attention by a prospective Amateur Radio Operator that not everyone who wishes to become a Ham can afford to buy the necessary License Manual and are thus held back from realizing their dream. As the “New Ham Ambassador” for the Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club, the thought of our Club or Hobby being diminished by even one future Ham because of a few dollars didn’t set well with me
That’s why back in October of 2008, I decided to remedy the situation by starting a “License Manual Lending Library”, which would be stocked with up-to-date donated Technician, General and Extra class books. As the new owner of the books, I would also serve as Librarian in charge of lending the manuals out and keeping track of them so they could be successfully retrieved for future use by others. Thanks to the generosity of our fellow Hams, I received donations of a handful of Technician manuals, as well as a couple of General and Extra class books. And over the last two and a half years, the Library has been a success! It has been responsible for EIGHT NEW HAMS, and FIVE UPGRADES!!
However, when they expired in 2010, I was left with no Technician manuals to keep up with the many requests. Once again, thanks to the unselfishness of a few Amateurs, I received four brand new manuals. But, they were quickly snapped up and I can’t keep up with the many requests for a book. Also, the General manuals expired at the end of June 2011 and new books are needed to replace them. So, if you have a CURRENT Technician, General or even an Extra class license manual that you are no longer using and wish to donate to this endeavor:
PLEASE contact Gordy Smith by email or call (517) 749-5677.
Thank you in advance from all those people who stand to benefit from you taking an active role in preserving our Hobby and ensuring its future growth.
Don McLain/KB8RAD