Family Night & Ziegenbein Award

Please plan to join us at CMARC family night on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at the home of our host, Dan Dembinski KD8YDE, located at 9749 Peacock Road in Laingsburg on twenty beautiful acres of nature. This event is to celebrate our HAM family, our own families, and to announce the winner of the Ziegenbein award. Festivities will begin at approximately 4:00 pm and dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. Dan Dembinski will be grilling plain and barbecued chicken. Kelly Fitzgerald will be bringing a cake for dessert. We are asking everyone to sign up with the number of people you are bringing and the dish you will be sharing. If you are stuck on what to bring to share, here are some suggested items: potato salad, jello salad, 12 pkg canned diet pop, 12 pkg canned regular pop, 2 large bags potato chips, vegetable tray. You may contact Kelly Fitzgerald to sign up by email : or call (517) 624-9644. Kelly works until 4:00 pm. Please call and leave a message or call after 4:00 pm. There is no cost for this event. Ice tea and water will be provided. Please bring your own chairs. Planned events include: fox hunt (contact Dan Dembinski for this event, (517)512-9846), blow up castle and ball pit, and drone flying presentation from licensed drone pilot. The Ziegenbein award will be presented and celebrated following dinner.