Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club
Morse code CQ CQ DE W8PLP LANSING, MI 73 K

View JUST Public Service Events on the Lansing ARPSC Calendar!

With the NEW CMARC/LCDRA/ARPSC Calendar, you can sync your current Google Calendar to get updates in an easy convenient way for you. Simply press the "Add Button" (+Google Calendar) at the lower right hand corner of the Calendar to add upcoming events for CMARC, LCDRA, Lansing ARPSC and many other local Ham Events to your personal Google Calendar. Get updates and reminders on your Google Calendar!

Help us ensure we aren't forgetting anything. Email one or more of the following CMARC Board members:
Tom Rocheleau WA8WPI, President
Dale Cole K8TS, Vice President
Gordy Smith KE8JKS, Treasurer
Kenny Hazlett K8NNY, Secretary
Kelly Fitzgerald K8FK, Director
Russ Fitzgerald N8FZ, Director
Michael Jackson Jr KE8HSO, Under 22 Director
with any additions or changes that need to be made! Thank you!